How do I add a custom background?

Personalise your MotorCut experience by adding a custom background. Follow these steps to upload and set your own background image.

Chris Percival
Written by Chris PercivalLast update 4 months ago

Custom backgrounds are available for a small one-time fee to cover design and AI integration costs.

Custom Background Fee:

GBP = £60 + VAT

USD = $75

Submit a Support Ticket:

Log-in to your account and submit a support ticket.

Provide a brief description of your desired background along with any imagery or specific materials you have in mind.

Design and Integration

Our team of designers will work with you to produce your desired background. Once finalised they will integrate to the system and connect to the Ai.

Alternatively, if you prefer to create your own background, contact our team for information regarding the required dimensions and proportions.

If you have any further requirements, please do get in touch with the team.

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