How do I download my images?

Easily download your images from MotorCut. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you save your photos to your device.

Chris Percival
Written by Chris PercivalLast update 5 months ago

Using MotorCut's Web-App

To download images from our MotorCut web-app, you can either download them from the advert card or through the 'View Advert' page.

This action will result in the download of a zip folder containing your processed images.

The name of the zip folder is determined by the following conditions:

  • If there is no advert label, the zip folder is named after the advert ID

  • If there is an advert label (e.g. BMW 3 Series), the zip folder is named "BMW_3_Series_[AdvertID]

Once the folder is unzipped, you can extract the high-resolution images to your desired location.

You have the option to change the file format of the images via the Upload Logo settings. We provide the choice to select either JPG or PNG, with JPG being set as the default.


On our mobile app, you have the ability to effortlessly download high-resolution images directly to your camera gallery with the simple tap of a button.

Just select the advert from which you wish to download the processed images.

Then, tap the download button.

You will be guided to a download progress screen while the images are being downloaded and saved to your camera gallery.

If you have any further requirements, please do get in touch with the team.

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